Latest News - March 2025
Is it true that March comes in like a lion but goes out like a lamb? I suppose we're about to find out! It's been bitterly cold here but the forecast is calling for a break in the temperatures later this week. Phew!
I've been picking away at my latest Regency romance, A Proper Deception and it's the story of Evan and Laura. You can find an excerpt on my Bits and Bites page and the scheduled release date is February 2026. February, the month of romance, seems appropriate!
What are you reading at the moment? I just finished Killer Whisky, written by a fellow BWL Publishing author Susan Calder. It's a historical mystery set in my home town of Calgary during 1918 and an entertaining read! I'm also reading The Guernsey Diplomat by a friend and fellow CaRWA author Sandy Bezanson. I'll be leaving reviews for both on my Book Reviews page.
Are you interested in writing romance? Check out the Calgary Association of the Romance Writers of America (CaRWA) website. A lot of our members don't live in Calgary so we are meeting online via Zoom. Non members are welcome to join us for up to 2 meetings. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month with the occasional Saturday thrown in.
Is it true that March comes in like a lion but goes out like a lamb? I suppose we're about to find out! It's been bitterly cold here but the forecast is calling for a break in the temperatures later this week. Phew!
I've been picking away at my latest Regency romance, A Proper Deception and it's the story of Evan and Laura. You can find an excerpt on my Bits and Bites page and the scheduled release date is February 2026. February, the month of romance, seems appropriate!
What are you reading at the moment? I just finished Killer Whisky, written by a fellow BWL Publishing author Susan Calder. It's a historical mystery set in my home town of Calgary during 1918 and an entertaining read! I'm also reading The Guernsey Diplomat by a friend and fellow CaRWA author Sandy Bezanson. I'll be leaving reviews for both on my Book Reviews page.
Are you interested in writing romance? Check out the Calgary Association of the Romance Writers of America (CaRWA) website. A lot of our members don't live in Calgary so we are meeting online via Zoom. Non members are welcome to join us for up to 2 meetings. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month with the occasional Saturday thrown in.

Looking for an interesting blog to follow? Click on the image to stop by and visit the BWL Author's Blogspot. A different BWL author is featured every day so there's always something new to discover and learn.
Out and About
![]() And here I am at another CaRWA Christmas party! Are we looking festive or what, from left to right Katie O'Connor, Suzanne Stengl, Winter St. James, Ellen Jorgy and me (!) rocking the Christmas sweater. ![]() That's me in the middle this past November 4, 2023 at the Airdrie Christmas Market with Diane Bator (left) and Nancy M. Bell (right). We had a wonderful time, had lots of laughs and even sold some books!

Like many other people, CaRWA zoomed their annual 2020 Christmas party. Despite that, we had a great time, with lots of giggles and Christmas cheer. From left to right, top, Roxy Burroughs, Suzanne Stengl, B.C Deeks, Victoria Chatham. Middle row: Lawna Mackie, Brenda Sinclair, me, C.G. Furst. Bottom row: Amy Jo Fleming, Jan O'Hara, Shelley Kassian and Sherile Reilly.
Here I am at the Tracy Cooper-Posey workshop in October 2019 with Laurie Hodges Humble (left) and Jenna Howard. Haha I guess you could say I'm really rocking the scarf! *wink* |
In July, 2018 I attended the RWA (Romance Writers of America) National Conference in Denver, Colorado. Here I am having a little fun with the sign boards! Group picture, bottom row left to right, Kimberley Beckett, M.K.Stelmack, Cheryl Ann Smith, and top row, me and Michelle Beattie.
On June 24th, 2018, I participated in the Sweet and Sultry Summer Reads Romance Festival at Eau Claire market. Thank you to the lovely and talented M.Jane Colette for organizing it. I can't wait until next year! Below we have Win Day manning the CaRWA table, as well as three of the lovely ladies of Stampede, (left to right) Shelley Kassian, Carol Furst and Katie O'Connor as well as my table mate and dear friend Victoria Chatham. In the bottom row, left to right, we have Judith Pittman (and her daughters) and Nancy M. Bell from BWL Publishing, Mohan Ashtakala and J.M.Dolan, also from BWL Publishing and Sherile Reilly and S.L.Dickson.
![]() That's me in April of 2017 with the lovely Eve Silver, whose passion and enthusiasm for the publishing industry is truly awe inspiring. Plus she's a really nice lady! |
At the Marie Force workshop, November 2017 with buddies Suzanne Stengl (left) and Victoria Chatham (right)

In October 2016 I attended a terrific workshop with Calgary author Adam Dreece. Here I am with my dear critique buddy Victoria Chatham. Aren't we a colorful pair!

My very first book signing, June, 2016. That's me on the left with buddies Victoria Chatham and Michelle Beattie. It was great to see so many friends and family members turn out.